Tuesday 28 August 2012

Tuesday 28: Colombian Welcome Ceremony

Today was a special day for the Colombian Paralympians - their Welcome Ceremony. Each country is welcomed by the village mayor, gifts are exchanged and the national anthem played. There is music and dancing and the Colombians joined in unprompted! For the team it was even more special because the wife of the Colombian President -the First Lady attended with the Ambassador. Later in the day the team attended a reception at the Colombian Consulate. Apart from assisting at the Welcome Ceremony, my day included going with the tennis coach to buy replacement racquets and picking up the Opening Ceremony tickets in Central London for the dignitaries. All in a Gamesmaker's day!

The First Lady and Ambassador with the team at the Welcome Ceremony

Juan Salazar presents the gift to the mayor

The team under the "Agitos" in the village park

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