Sunday 19 August 2012

My final thoughts ..........

Unfortunately the fine weather that we had enjoyed for the Olympics deserted us on Monday and we had a very wet visit to Stonehenge.  4 NOC assistants and 10 Costa Ricans drove to Stonehenge via a very dodgy Little Chef at the beginning of the A303.  I had suggested that Leeds Castle may have been easier to get to but since almost every Olympian seems to have visited Stonehenge at some time I can only assume their publicity was better and they were very happy to give us a group discount.  I can now see why they have been trying to build a Visitor Centre since the current facilities are distinctly 'quaint'.  After a wet viewing of 'The Stones' we managed to find a traditional English Pub in Amesbury who were very welcoming and opened the cavery especially for us.

A wet and windy Stonehenge
Outing to Amesbury

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