Saturday 4 August 2012

Quiet Friday as the Atheltics start

Costa Rica have had no events for 3 days and so things are quite quiet.  Yesterday I drove to Centre Point (end of Oxford Street) with our two athletes to pick up some promotional gear. I am getting much more used to driving in London and I even found somewhere to park and a nice deli for a coffee.  Most of the day has been spent trying to find the tri-athletes bike so that he can practice: so far without success.  We also had our photos taken for a Costa Rican newspaper. Whilst outside the Village with the press,  several police arrived closely followed by Tony Blair and Tessa Jowell who is deputy village mayor.  We walked over to take some photos and he walked over to shake our hands and tell us what a good job we were doing!
Tony Blair and Tessa Jowell MP met a small group of Gamesmakers

Tony Blair Talking to Nicola (Picture from Tony Blair Twitter Feed)

As the Olympic Park fills up as the stadium comes into use, everyone is commenting on how good the transport system has been. The atmosphere is so positive and all the athletes saying how important the Team GB support in all the event stadia has been.

The Orbit and the Olympic Stadium 

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