Monday 6 August 2012

Just an easy Sunday morning bike ride!

I spent most of yesterday with our mountain biker and his coach (his father!) - looking for mountains! The previous day we went to the official training loop in Essex but I have to agree that the hills were a bit tame. I explained that there are no mountains in southern England that will compare with Costa Rica but we settled on going to Box Hill and enlisted Rob's help to find us a route with some hills.  When we got there Box Hill was covered with cyclists, but unfortunately also some local residents that seem to have lost their Olympic Spirit. So following the bike was pretty much a nightmare. In the end Pablo seemed quite happy with 'La Ruta Olympica' and I spoke to some very friendly cyclists who suggested we try Ranmore Common and I am going to phone a cycle shop there this morning to see if they will be able to act as guides.

Paolo Montoya ready to cycle

Following in the summer rain 

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