Sunday 9 September 2012

The last day and a Medal in The Mall

I beat Nicola to The Mall.....Yesterday our final medal chance came in the T 12 Marathon. Elkin Moreno, our partially sighted athlete and his guide German Jaramillo came home with the silver in a time 5 minutes inside his personal best. It was an amazing experience to be able to access the controlled race area in The Mall with the small support team and to wait with them for the medal ceremony. Then to our surprise and delight we were allowed onto the special viewing platform opposite the flagpoles and only yards from the ceremony. Then we began the race through the London traffic, first to Consulate for the press conference and the call from the President and then back to the Village with a silver medal in my rear view mirror and Elkin and Juan giving live interviews to Colombian radio stations from the car.
The Medal Winning Team: Athelete, Coach and Guide after the race

Elkin doing a TV Interview outside the Consulate 

We said goodbye to the athletes as we led them to the Olympic Park for the closing ceremony. The Village will no doubt feel empty today as we go about our wrap up duties as many athletes left during the night straight from the many parties that followed the closing ceremony.

                                          The Colombians ready for the closing ceremony

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