Thursday 13 September 2012

And Finally....The Afterparty

Today for the first and only time we were both in the Olympic Village at the same time! The "Village People" had their party and the sun shone on all of us. After a long queue to get in - showing our accreditation for the very last time - we were entertained by a lively group of singers encouraging us all to join in with uplifting songs such as YMCA, not that much encouragement was needed! The thank you speeches were short and said from the heart from the CEO of LOCOG, the Village Manager and the Workforce Team Manager. We were once again made to feel proud of our small individual contributions to a great team achievement. They have estimated from our phone pedometeres that we have on average walked 15 miles each day!

Singing along to YMCA
The NOC/NPC Village People

Lunch was held in the Athletes Dining Room, one of the few locations we were not allowed to enter during the games (although Rob managed it once!) and for the first time alcohol was available. The icing on the cake was the raffle ticket which won Nicola the one thing she (and most Gamesmakers) had wanted all along - An Olympic Quilt. Traditionally, athletes are allowed to take their quilts home, but many give them to the volunteers as gifts. But we were all informed, almost constantly, this was not permitted, so they became the most prized memorabilia of the Games.

Gamesmakers together in the Village 

                                                            The Prized Olympic Quilt

As this is the last entry to the Blog, can we thank those who have followed us all the way from the middle of July, along with those who have dipped in and out of our increbible "Once in a Lifetime" journey. There have been over 1600 viewers to the blog, over 30 each day from all around the world. We hope you have enjoyed seeing a very different and personal view of the Greatest Games ever. Right now we can't wait to enrol to do it all again in Rio in four years time!!

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