Tuesday 11 September 2012

Our Greatest Team Parade

On Monday 10th, the British Olympic and Paralympic Teams paraded through London on 21 floats accompanied by two bands. The Parade started at the Mansion House in the City of London and finished in the Mall outside Buckingham Palace with a few speeches with many thousands of people lining the route. Nicola was lucky enough to get a ticket in the Games Maker ballot along with other volunteers from the London Ambassadors and performers from the ceremonies.  She had a prime spot standing with some Games Makers colleagues in the Mall by Admiralty Arch.  Rob then joined her after his Paralympic duties finished to watch the big screens in Trafalgar Square where there was definitely a carnival atmosphere with so many Games Makers celebrating the success of the Games.  Boris Johnson, Mayor of London got the biggest cheer for his rousing speech and all in all it was a fabulous way to end our Olympic Experience which started over 7 weeks ago!

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