Saturday 8 September 2012

The Cycling Continues

The last few days have seen further trips to Brands Hatch in support of the Road Cycling Team. No medals for the team but some great performances up at the front end for all the races, including a nail biting finish to the C1-3 Road Race. I was privileged to see Sarah Storey storm to victory on Thursday afternoon and have a great view of the medal ceremony from the pits. Those of you who know me well will not be surprised that I ended up getting an article about Nicola and I in the daily Gamesmaker newsletter.

Sarah Storey way out in front
Medal Ceremony for Sarah Storey

In the Colombian Pit Garage ahead of the race

Up the hill and round the bend
From today preparations begin for supporting the closing ceremony on Sunday and the athlete’s departure on Monday. Look out for the pictures from the Athlete’s Parade on Monday through London, deservedly, Nicola will be one of the Gamesmakers in The Mall.  

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