Saturday 28 July 2012

An Amazing Opening Ceremony

The Olympic Rings 

Industrial Britain 

Nicola managed to get back in time to watch the Opening Ceremony in Barns Green Village Hall after another day with the Cycling team preparing for todays race. We all waved and cheered her Costa Rican team as well as Colombia and Team GB.

Nicola in the stadium at the rehearsal for the Athletes Parade 

We have both been part of the preparations at the reheasals and it was worth "Saving The Surprise". Fantastic technical feat as well as an audio and visual extravaganza. For Rob the highlight was seeing Mike Oldfield playing live at Monday's rehearsal.

After all the build up at last we are into competition. As I (Rob) write this, Nicola is in The Mall ready to drive the Cost Rican support car for the big cycle race.  GO Team GB !!!

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